This Is Your Reality – Now What?
There are many events that can happen in your life that force you to take a step back and look at the reality that you have created for yourself. And when you look up and survey that reality, you don't like what you see. A typical reaction is to fall into the victim role; "Why did this happen to me?" "Why am I in this situation?". You created your reality. You can't be a victim. Ask yourself this one question, "are you living as your true authentic self, or do you play many roles, depending on the people you're with?" The answer canYour “Why” Can Change the World!
The year 2020 changed the definition of "normal" for almost everyone. For business, many business owners are seeing significant drops in their volumes, whether that be sales, patients, or clients. And navigating around this new normal has proven difficult. A driver to succeed (both personally and professionally) in the world as it is right now, can come directly from your "why". Ask yourself this one question - what is your true philosophy about why you're doing what you're doing? Once you answer the question, then you can start to increase and shift your energy, vibrating at a completely different level, and then that's whenFrom Trigger Proof to Badassery; Change Your Life in 90 Minutes with Dr. Nima Rahmany
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Become trigger proof with Dr. Nima – take the space between stimulus and response, widen the gap and choose your own reality.
Coronavirus Outbreak: Trudeau announces $240M for online healthcare
On May 3, 2020, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the Canadian government will be investing a huge $240M in online healthcare as the country continues to deal with and maneuver around the Coronavirus pandemic. Platforms for primary care and mental health support will benefit hugely from this new investment. [READ FULL ARTICLE]