
This Is Your Reality – Now What?

There are many events that can happen in your life that force you to take a step back and look at the reality that you have created for yourself. And when you look up and survey that reality, you don’t like what you see.

A typical reaction is to fall into the victim role; “Why did this happen to me?” “Why am I in this situation?”. You created your reality. You can’t be a victim.

Ask yourself this one question, “are you living as your true authentic self, or do you play many roles, depending on the people you’re with?”

The answer can reveal many truths. And these truths can help you immensely.

Let’s talk values. It’s preached onto us regularly and for many, we have no idea where to start with figuring out what our values are and how they relate to the reality that we create.

Take Dr. Clayton Roach’s example.

List your values down (take 5, for example). And clear values. Many examples are money, family, freedom, business, health, etc.

And compare them against each other to order them in order of priority to you (more information on this in Dr. Clayton’s podcast episode).

Now how do you use these values? How do you use them to help create the reality you want to live? Authentic affirmation and staying true to who you are.

Your values should drive the decisions you make, in both life and in business.


You are a chiropractic associate whose number one value is spending time with your family. The other chiropractor you’re working with says that you have a screening to do on the weekend, but this takes away from spending time with your family on that same weekend. If you leave it there with the mindset “I guess I have to do what I have to do”, you can find that you start hating work because it goes against your number one value. Unhappiness.

Now if you flip it and come from a different mindset “how does this screening tie into my value of spending time with my family?” you can break it down to this: you’ll go to the screening and create an income. This income will create the ability to free up your schedule a little more and maybe delete a morning or afternoon from your schedule, driving the number one value of creating more time to spend with your family.

If you dig and see things from the angle of “how will this help me stay true to my values and create the life I want?”, then you have more power.