So often we’re taught the “traditional” way of many aspects of life; business, education, personal – but do we ever stop to question if it’s the “right” way?
Dr. Richard Avery was taught the traditional method of chiropractic marketing and communication, however, it cost him dearly.
Moving forward from a difficult time, he started to realise the reasons that businesses are failing, why children are dropping out of school. Because they don’t enjoy the challenges, because they don’t understand what’s happening and they find it difficult. Our natural instinct when something is difficult is to move away from it.
When you understand, you become proficient, you start to enjoy what you’re working on. All it takes is going through the grind to understand it, simplify it, and find an effortless version of it. Then it becomes simple, enjoyable, even fun, and you can start to see success on the horizon.