
Ask Tough Questions, Get Real Results

We are our own worst critics. Negative self-talk doesn’t serve us, it only makes us feel worse. So much worse that instead of laying our head on the pillow (the “ah” moment), we lay down in the deepest, darkest pit.

So what can we do, when we want to rise to the top, but aren’t sure where to start? Start asking questions.

We all have a favourite “someone”, whether that be a favourite athlete, a favourite fighter, a favourite actor or a favourite superhero. Ask yourself “what did it feel like for them when they won the gold medal, secured the amazing movie role, or got that big promotion”?  And often, we can relate through that.

Often we don’t notice our little wins, those things that help make life just a little better, because we’re too busy wallowing in our self-pity and worry that we’re not going to make it to the top.

So now it’s time to ask the tough question.

“Where in your life are you lying to yourself?”

That’s it. One question. And you don’t need to answer it right away. It needs time to process so you can dig deeper and answer it with 100% truth.

Once you can answer this, then you can start working on change.